Updates to Richard Katz's
Skating Unrinked book, published in paperback by HarperCollinsWest in 1994. Or was it '95? If you are not reading this on a screen, you're probably not reading it. Richard Katz = katz@frogojt.com. email
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A Big Chapter of Updates, including
Trails that have gotten themselves ready since the book came out;
and Trails in the United States outside of the San Francisco Bay Area;
and Trails elsewhere on Earth that you might want to try out.
Sometimes Just the Trail, by name or location; and sometimes a whole essay.
One thing, though: I'm not going to put any information in here about any trail that I haven't personally skated all or most of. Too many gravel paths have been put in the way of skaters (like me) to EVER think about doing that.
A List:
Gandy's Bridge Clearwater, Florida, USA: They built a new bridge and saved the old bridge just for us. Amazing.
Cannes, France : Excellent, right along the water, and right where the film festival is held.
Genoa, Italy : Amazing promenade, perfect for skating, along the sea.
Rome, Italy : The Olympic Forum. Check it out. You can skate there along the Tiber River; I forget the name of the trail, but it was built for Olympic training. Saint something or other.
Paris, France : The most amazing Friday Nite Skate of all, the Paris Roller. Check it out. Literally thousands of skaters. It's actually on Saturdays, but then there's another one too.
Paris, France 2: This is surprising, that the streets and Boulevards of Paris are a joy to skate on early in the morning. In Paris they start late. And the cops in Paris are very tolerant of deviant behavior like skating.
Grenada, West Indies: On the island of Carriacou. I wrote a whole article about this, I'll find it and post it sometime. On the main island, not so good. Never found a decent trail, although it was kind of a trip to go skating on the runway of the old airport in Pearls.
Richmond, Californa, USA: Parts of the Bay Trail are excellent for skating, as you are aware from reading Skating Unrinked. The segment from Shimada Park to Central Avenue was done mostly after the book came out. It's great. Just go to the Central Avenue exit of Interstate 80/580 East/West (yeah, that's confusing; sorry) and go west from the Freeway to a big intersection. If you see a Costco store, you went too far. Go North from that big intersection, just one long block, passing by the US Postal Service Bulk Mail Facility, and you'll come to a Dog Park, which is known as Point Isabel. That's where the trail "starts", for the present purposes. It goes for miles and miles. Just Great!
Public Transportation ?:
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Other trails to check out in the neighborhood:
This page inaugurated 2003
Based on Richard Katz's Skating Unrinked book, published in paperback by HarperCollinsWest in 1994. Or was it '95? If you are not reading this on a screen, stop reading Thanx. Richard Katz = katz@frogojt.com. email
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