From Richard Katz's

Skating Unrinked book, published in paperback by HarperCollinsWest in 1994. Or was it '95? If you are not reading this on a screen, stop reading and head to Thanx. Richard Katz = email

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Chapter intrnatl

Wanna contribute for free? That's what the net is all about. Send me trails info. When we've got enough, we'll publish it. Oh wait a minute there, it'll already be published. Cool.

Text files please.

Here's some trails:

San Francisco's Friday Night Skate

Tampa Bay's Bayshore Trail (World's longest continuous sidewalk)

Jardins des Versailles - France

Genoa, along the Mediterannean - Italy

Italian Forum Olympic Park to Via SantAngelo, Rome - Italy

Ice skating on the canal in Ottawa - Canada




Note from the Author: Haven't put in links to the other chapters yet.

From Richard Katz's Skating Unrinked book, published in paperback by HarperCollinsWest in 1994. Or was it '95? If you are not reading this on a screen, stop reading and head to Thanx. Richard Katz = email

Back to Richard Katz's Homepage

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