Sample Videos Page
We have developed a system to integrate workers
into the work system rapidly and efficiently.
Digitally Assisted Mentoring program employs Rapid
Skill Acquisition video technology.
Here are some movies that demonstrate the
- Movies prepared in support of a
proposal 2003 about monitoring cognition
- Smith and Wesson Model 4006
Pistol in .40 Caliber
These movies were shot May
30, 2002 at the Berkeley Police Dept firing range. Featuring
Officer James G Marangoni, Field Training Officer BPD and firearms
Note: This is a work in
progress. These movies not approved by BPD as of 6_01_02.
Special thanks to Officer Al Benjamin #58.
- Movies prepared after DARPA turned us
down, which sharpened our resolve to show them what a proper HowTo
would look like for the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, et seq.
- Football
- very short movies for acquiring the
skill of how to move like a defensive back. Most people, when they
see this, throw up their hands and say "A lot of it's natural."
Note the SteadiCam videography here.
- Hard
Work -- industrial tasks.
oblongs in sheet metal
is noisy and repetitive, nasty and
short. Dismounting
truck tires is more brutish.
- MaintenanceOJT
-- Removing
an O-Ring and
an O-Ring -- These are excerpts
from a longer movie, of the type maintenance personnel might use.
The two short excerpts depict specific tasks, excerpted for
emphasis, so they can be used as FrogOJT movies -- rapid skill
acquisition thru digital video technology. (The longer form movie
showing the entire process merits it's own CD-ROM.)
- Enlightenment
-- Raking
in Kyoto at the Zen temple, from NHK
Broadcasting. Note that the monk's hands are way down on the rake
for tight circular patterns, and way up top for the long straight
strokes. These movies are too long for the web, i.e. in 1999 the
bandwidth just isn't there. Call or email for a CD-ROM.
- Golf
-- the movie
is as heavily annotated as it could possibly be. It's the best, or
most exhaustive, example of a text track, demonstrating that such
a movie is documentation for the job process. It's how to hit a
golf ball, on the fairway with a three wood. Another view of the
golf swing is at
The kid who figured out all this video
learning stuff is at Jason3&
- Hockey
-- How
to Skate
to Do the Wrist
Andre Lacroix at the Oakland Ice Rink
is the model mentor. Hockey teams practice skating endlessly, for
years, and the players never get any better at their skating.
Using RSAT, we get them skating after the manner of professionals
in a matter of minutes. The skating movie is web-size, even though
it's 320x240, because it's very short and greyscale. The Wrist
Shot movie is 160x120 and greyscale, what we call a webmovie. A
portion of it is available here at this website.
- How
to do Structured OJT
in this folder illustrates how one would use digitized video for
structured OJT. The illustration is the Oakland Ice Rink; the task
is learning the wrist shot. This movie is too long for the web,
i.e. in 2000 the bandwidth just isn't there. Call or email for a
- Language
for Flight Attendants-- This one very
very short movie is the type of movie an airline would use to get
its flight attendants phraseworthy for international
- Retail
-- Tasks in a clothing store. One of
these movies has an elaborate text track, showing just which
keyboard strokes the POS operator is supposed to hit --
Sale. The
other one is strictly physical -- How
to Fold a Shirt, Our
- New
and Improved Video
-- One of the movies from Retail is
color corrected and shadow-enhanced, i.e. post-produced with
VideoPrism, to demonstrate that quick and dirty digital movies
shot in a factory can look as good as Star Wars, no problem.
We routinely do this
now. Here's
the latest example, and it's just
The movie starts with
okay lighting (just ambient in an operating room); the surgeon has
to kill the lights (because his ultrasound image is so hard to
see); wait a few seconds, to show you just how bad this lighting
and consequently this footage really is; and then we do our magic.
Looks like Hollywood. Tweakin'. Fix it in the mix.
- Public
Works -- How
to correctly pick up garbage cans.
Pretty heavy duty.
- How to Plant
by Dr Betty K Ishida USDA WRRS
- How to do Ultrasound Guided Surgery with
Jay K Harness MD
- movie
- movies showing how to use the Ethicon
(div of Johnson and Johnson) Mammotome(R)
- July 2003 Revisiting the Mammotome
The movies prepared with Dr Harness have two movie
windows. The left window shows either Dr Harness's operating
theater or a closeup of something in Dr Harness's operating
theater, e.g. Dr Harness's hands on his patient whilst he cures
what ails them (in this movie he's removing numerous small
cysts from a patient's breast, excising them in rapidfire
fashion with his Mammotome at Highland Hospital in Oakland, CA.
For demo purposes, if you're really into it, check out
the following:
- Mammotome
Procedure Parts ABCD an 18 Mb .mov file
- The LiveStagePro
file that describes this movie (library not
- The XML
file that describes this movie, exported from
LiveStagePro; something which would be of more than passing
interest to anybody interested in seriously databasing howto
movies for purposes of indexing expertise.
is available by typing in its url, but it gets flagged for
having a semicolon missing on line 490 position 109. Welcome
to web services. is the one you get by
clicking on the above link; it is the same file with the
.txt extension
- How to Prepare a Whopper(R)
The FrogOJT system ensures that the worker has
precise information about how to do his job.
To impart a skill to a person rapidly, let the
person show a Quicktime® video to themselves of an expert
performing that skill.
The person watches the video over and over by
hitting the return key. After a short period of repetitive viewing,
the person attempts to perform the skill.
The person's ability to perform the skill
approaches the expert's ability after a number of iterations of this
(Quicktime files should have the Quicktime 5 MoviePlayer software
[plug-in] installed for good viewing, because Bill Gates's
MediaPlayer will play such movies very badly and not display the text
track. If you are playing our disk, as opposed to watching on a
machine provided by FrogOJT, make sure you have Quicktime version 3
or higher installed. Or just go ahead and install Quicktime from the
disk; it's in the folder called Quicktime Installers. And BTW,
Quicktime video files must have the suffix .mov or Windows won't play
them.) If you're strictly on the web, you need the Quicktime PlugIn.
Call FrogOJT if you have any questions about this. You can
download Quicktime 5 very easily from
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